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I've played piano since I was eight. My folks forced me to take private lessons (which I appreciate greatly now) and started playing guitar in 7th grade which I had always wanted to do, going on 6 years now. I've always had a very musical family. Dad always tried to educate me in the ways of music business since he's pretty much the ultimate music business guru of my life. When I went to a family reunion in Guadalajara, a group of 3 of my aunts stole my guitar and got everyone to sing which, I've gotta admit, inspired me a lot, and apparently I've got some well known family members. On top of the support from my family and the lessons in instruments and theory, I've grown to love everything about music and I want to go on to college to study both Music and Physics (thanks to my dad, I grew up with a liberal mindset and a  knack for everything that had to do with physical sciences and am fascinated by them, and with the help of my high school Physics teacher Mr. Mallory I know what field I want to study)... and thats all that sums up my character at this point.


The Winders

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